The New Hulk live action television Series will air in the fall of 2013. And there's no word on playing Bruce Banner and there's no script yet.But my good advice said that they need Edward Norton to reprise the role because he looks like his mid 20's and Brilliant including looks just like character from the marvel comics 1960's and Bill Bixby too, so they should discuss giving a contract to Edward Norton as Bruce Banner first choice and second choice is Chris Hardwick then third choice is Danile Radcliffe from harry potter.The Hulk will not be full CGI anymore now there are mixture of real elements of puppetry and prosethics robotics including CGI.The Hulk creation will be just like the hellboy creations not really only the avengers Hulk in the film. If any Hulk fans have goods comments to add write on my guestbook,or email me. And no bad or nagative comments against my advice or on my website or I'll get rid of your comments rightway.My website is in below my email address.

posted by
Gilberto Edwards 11-10-2011

Updates for New Hulk TV Series is that Guillermo Del Toro and David Eick will rewrite the screenplay for 2013 because they hire another co producer not sure what his name is.

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 posted by: Gilberto Edwards

The New Hulk live Action TV Series coming in 2013!